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PashHash isn't a password manager... it's a simple yet secure password "calculator".

Unlike standard password managers which store your passwords in a vulnerable database, PashHash utilizes state-of-the-art cryptographic hashing algorithms to procedurally generate random characters.

As long as you remember a strong and unique master password, PashHash can use that master password, along with a website name, to "calculate" the same password for that site, every single time.

Each master password and site name combination points to a secure 16-character password that even the world's most advanced supercomputers can't crack.

Our algorithm uses Argon2 hashes, which are hundreds of times more secure than other commonly used algorithms like MD5 or SHA256.

In addition, by using our unique Systematic Multi-Index Replacement Algorithm (SMIRA), we guarantee that all generated passwords include lowercase, uppercase, numerical, and special characters - something that most other password generators fail to do.

Happy Hacking!